Barry Dickins - Recent Works

September 28, 2020 - October 10, 2020

When I was a child my contented father showed me the mystery of painting with water-colors. It was revelatory the way in which he swished the red sable Windsor and Newton purest camel-hair or red sable brushes into a freshly rinsed Pura milk bottle and diluted my holiest colors such as Veridian Green and Alizaron Crimson and the most remarkable one of the whole spectrum - French Ultra Marine.

I sat so peacefully with him wherever I went, which was everywhere there was to go in Whittlesea, and I, at ten years of age would watch him blend in the trees and dry stone walls and get the effect of distance using a sponge. 

We would ride our bikes back, I had three brothers, we all drew cartoons and painted using Indian Ink and pans of sacred water color on the kitchen table.

After gaining my diplomas of Art and Education in the early 70s I still liked to paint at night in preference to television, partly because of the drama of dissolving inks and observing chance effects take place.