Item #3122 Purkitji. Boxer Milner.
Boxer Milner


30 x 30 cm    
Inscribed A/P3

In his vibrant etching of the same name, Boxer Milner has depicted Purkitji, or Sturt Creek,

and its many tributaries after rain. During the Wet Season, floodplains surrounding the

middle and upper stretches of Sturt Creek fill with water and become a focal area for many

animals before receding along well-formed drainage lines. It is these lines that the artist

has represented, while the palette perhaps demonstrates the country becoming ‘alive’ with

colour and activity at this time.


Boxer Milner was born circa 1935 at Milnga Milnga, a floodplain around Sturt Creek in the

Tanami Desert. He is a respected elder who lives at Kururrungku Community, which is

also known as Billiluna, near Balgo Hills. Milner, in part, applies his art-making to maintain

his responsibilities as a senior custodian for the middle and upper stretches of Sturt Creek

(Purkitji) and its associated Law and ceremony. Milner has been exhibiting his work since

the early 1990s and he is represented in major public and private collections.


Item #3122


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